Iedereen wil veranderen


In spite of a plethora of well-meant advice, books, and training sessions, only one out of three change projects succeeds. No surprise if you see how strongly managers continue to focus rationally on what should happen to the organization.

It would do well to look a little more attentively at the main factor of every change: people and their emotions. This proves to work a lot better. The book contains the compiled knowledge from a couple of decennia of experience as an organizational fitness coach. It advocates a people-oriented solution.

The key? Make sure everyone is with you from the very beginning. This doesn’t simplify the change process. It does however make it more human, which improves the chances of success.

The cases described in the book illustrate exactly how this works. The book contains stories from companies like Proximus, Brussels Airport, Mobistar, Smith-Nephew, and more. It is enhanced by personal testimonies of more than a dozen manages and experts. This book tells the story of a practitioner who helps organizations… to change.

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Reasons to Read

The book teaches managers and leaders to change differently, with a highly improved chance of success.

The approach combines rationality and emotions.

The suggested approach accepts any negative emotions that change usually evokes: confusion, resistance, fear, frustration, delays and chaos.

The remedy consists of seven essential building blocks: a vision for the future, clear and sufficient communication, energizing competences, plenty of autonomy, effective tools, a balanced action plan and the most appropriate reward.

The book contains personal testimonies from managers and experts in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.


“What makes this a good book is the astonishing honesty and practical style of the author.” -Marjolijn Boeren in Tijdschrift voor Coaching

“When change doesn’t succeed, the employees usually aren’t to blame. Managers who use these seven building blocks, can rest assured that change will be accepted.” -Benny Debruyne in Bizz

“People like to change, but they don’t like being changed. People want to have an impact on changes and they want perspective.” -Hilde Verheecken in HR Square

“Theory and practice show that there really are rules to steering change in the right direction. Supported by a neat frame Iedereen wil veranderen invites the reader to think about the ‘why’ of his own practice. Thus the book contributes to reflection and eventually mastery.” -Prof. dr. Herman Van den Broeck, head competence centre People & Organisation and partner of Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School


Preface by Prof. dr. Herman Van de Broeck

Introduction: Synthesis of experiences

Chapter 1: Vision as a guide

Chapter 2: Communication clears up resistance

Chapter 3: From performance anxiety to resilience using the right competences

Chapter 4: Autonomous employees leave unrest behind

Chapter 5: It doesn’t work without tools

Chapter 6: Working with a systematic plan of action

Chapter 7: Appreciation preserves everyone’s enthusiasm

Chapter 8: Emotions: the mortar between the building blocks

Chapter 9: We are the building blocks

Chapter 10: Everyone wants to change? Not that ridiculous

Chapters about building blocks and emotions contain practical cases and the opinion of one or more experts.